Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Junior High School Sports

Bang! The runners are off, jumping hurdles fighting for the finish. Track is one of the sports that we now have in junior high, but there are many sports that we do not have including: soccer, football, lacrosse, baseball, cross-country, and many others. Acquiring these sports may cost money, but these sports could help students with weight loss, school involvement, and developing a better work ethic. There should be more school sports in junior high.

Expenses! New sports will cost money for coaching, transportation, and equipment. These expenses are important especially with the economy currently so low. The national debt increases every second because spending exceeds taxes. Taxes are already high. Instead, donations and sponsors could pay for the expenses of these new sports. There are sports like baseball and soccer that equipment is already available from gym class in school. These sports would only need money for transportation and coaching. Sports like cross-country do not need additional equipment because the junior high schools have the equipment from track. Thus donations and sponsors could cover the additional expenses. Expenses are considered a problem in the United States, but obesity is considered a huge problem in the United States.

Obesity is a problem in the United States. A survey in 2005-2006, by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, estimated that 72.9 percent of adults older than twenty are overweight. This estimate means that almost 3 out of 4 United States adults are overweight. These adults should be exercising because “Experts agree that regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent obesity. It is also important for people who are overweight or obese to incorporate exercise into their daily activity.” Exercise could help students of our county have fewer problems with obesity. If these same students create a habit in junior high, then these habits may follow into adulthood. When I was young, my mom would ask me to make my bed; over time, I have created a habit to make my bed. Many students in our county could create a habit to exercise daily. Adding more sports in junior high could involve many students.

Many students will be involved by adding more sports in junior high. Current school sports in my junior high involve many students. Track is one of the sports that involve many students. About 100 students are on my junior high track team every year. Many students like to be involved. Other students do not participate in track because they do not like to run. By offering more sports in junior high, more students will be involved in a sport they like. When students are more involved, they do not get into trouble. For example, when a baby is playing with his rattle, he is not chewing on an electric cord, or falling down the stairs. The rattle keeps him busy so that he does not chew on the electric cord, or fall down the stairs. By offering more junior high school sports, students are less likely to participate in events that will hurt them or events that are against the law. Also, by involving more students in sports, fewer students will care about the high school boundaries until high school. Ninth grade students often try to play high school sports. Some of these ninth graders are not in the boundary of the high school they desire to attend. These students could be involved in these new junior high sports. By involving more students, then these students will also develop a better work ethic.

New sports in junior high may help students develop a better work ethic. When students work on their sport they often work to achieve goals. Many Olympic athletes worked to achieve their goals, such as Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt. Sports can teach more athletes in junior high to set goals. Many teams set goals, for example: a soccer team may have a goal to take State, a football team may have a goal to be undefeated, or a baseball team may have a goal to win a certain game. Also, by participating in sports students are taught to use teamwork. A football team cannot win if the quarterback is a ball hog. By learning to work with other students, the athlete is able to work with other people. Also, students that participate in sports often need to work long hours and work in uncomfortable conditions. For example, on a boiling hot sunny day, it is not always easy to run. But by participating in sports, students learn to do hard things. This will help the students later in life because they have already learned to do hard things. New sports in junior high will be superb because it will help students develop a better work ethic.

We need more school sports in junior high. Donations and sponsors can cover expenses. Less people in our junior highs will have problems with being overweight. School sports will involve more students. Sports will help more students develop a better work ethic. We can hop the hurdle of expenses, run the meters of obesity problems, hop the hurdle of involving more students, run the meter of developing a better work ethic and we can finish first when we obtain more sports in junior high.

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