Monday, February 15, 2010

Ski Jumping

One of the events in the Winter Olympics is ski jumping. The athletes have very long skies to make them more arrow dynamic in the air. They also have special binding to let them flex closer to their skies. The athletes also have a little wider skies to help them catch the wind. When ski jumpers jump at the Olympics they jump more than a football field. These athletes probably feel like they are a bird flying over everything. When athletes ski jump they only have the opportunity to go off the jump two or three times. If these athletes messed up on their landing they would most likely die. The gold medalist for today is Switzerland's Simon Amman. He also won the gold medal in the Olympics for 2002, but did not come close to placing in Italy four years ago. It was not much of a competition for him today when he finished far above the others. Many other athletes did well, but they did not have a perfect jump like Simon Amman. Ski jumping was a sport that was very fun to watch. Ski jumping looks very fun because it looks like athletes are flying with nothing to stop them.

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