Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fatal Accident

I am very excited to watch the winter Olympics this year. The Olympics bring all the countries together for peace and athletes compete. Many of these athletes train four years to show themselves once. Sometimes athletes become injured and can not even show themselves once. This year an athlete from Georgia died finishing the last turn on a practice run for the luge. This track is a very hard track because so many people are falling on the track. The athlete that was ranked to win a gold medal fell and so did many others expected to finish good. Because of the fatal accident from the athlete from Georgia, Quebec modified the last turn on the track to prevent more fatal accidents. Nodar Kumaritashvili died from flying over the edge and smacked into a concret pole. They closed the track and will reopen after they are sure there is nothing wrong with the track. In the opening cerimony millions of people took a moment of silence for Nodar Kumaritashvili. Nodar Kumaritashvili became an Olympian because he wanted to see what it felt like. The last fatal accident was about 50 years ago. I sure hope that there are no more fatal accidents in olympics, especially this year.

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