Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Downhill Snow Skiing

Many people do not realize there are different types and techniques of downhill snow skiing. The first type of skiing, rock skiing, is at the beginning of winter when the ski resorts have enough snow to ski. Many people have a fondness for the second type of skiing, powder skiing, these skiing days are right after a snow storm. Groomed skiing, the third type of skiing, is for those skiers that love speed, and for beginning skiers. Spring skiing is the last type of skiing; this is the skiing in the spring. There are many types of skiing, and they are all thrilling.

Rock skiing is at the beginning of the year. On the slopes, in the rock skiing season, there are many rocks; this is how rock skiing earned its name. These rocks are bad for skis because the rocks scratch the skis, slow skis down, and sometimes they even break the skis. Lots of people do not like skiing during rock season because of the damage to their skis, especially if they have new skis. Rocks make it so that the snow is not very good. In rock skiing, there is not enough snow to cover the rocks. There is usually only about three feet of snow. Even with the small amount of snow, many people are excited to go because most people have not skied in about eight months. After rock skiing, comes the desired powder snow.

Powder days are the most desired over all other types of snow. Powder skiing is most longed for because it is most challenging. Challenging things are usually more amusing because they are not simple. Challenges make things more exciting; for example, repelling off a cliff, water skiing, a game of soccer against an equal opponent, and running a race are all exciting challenges. My brother Daniel said, “Powder is fun, but it is very challenging to keep my balance.” On powder, snow skiers need a different ski technique. Skiers need to lean back so the tips of their skis do not become swallowed by the powder. Powder also increases risk. One major risk is avalanches. Some skiers trigger avalanches and are killed. With equipment now available, skiers are able to find some other skiers that become trapped in avalanches. In the middle of a ski season if it is not a powder day, then runs are groomed.

Groomed runs are for beginners and for racers. Groomed runs are usually easier than runs that have not been groomed, like black diamonds, or double black diamonds. Groomed runs are especially good for those skiers that are learning, but are also amusing for those that love to reach high speeds. My brother David said, “I love to stay on the groomed hills because then I can go as fast as lightning.” My brother David is a beginner that likes to race down the hill against his other brothers, so groomed trails are perfect for him. Groomed trails are usually clear from any trees or rocks, and are safe for all skiers to go on. When skiers ski on groomed hills, they lean forward in their boot; this is a little different than skiing in powder. This helps the skier accelerate and go faster. After the good winter months are over, and then spring skiing starts.

Spring skiing is the last month of skiing. In spring skiing, there are some major risks. Because it is so hot in the spring skiing months, many skiers do not wear coats. If skiers do not wear a shirt, they could easily hurt themselves and earn themselves some road rash. Spring skiing brings other risks besides road rash. In the morning the snow is just fine for a few hours. After lunch, in the shadows, there is always ice, and everywhere else the snow is melting. The switch of the two surfaces can cause some major skiing accidents. Spring skiing requires a different technique. This technique is to go slower. Once the conditions are bad, skiers can become injured pretty easily. Going slow is just common sense. Spring skiing is unlike the other types of downhill snow skiing, spring skiing is the only type of downhill skiing that is in warm weather.

All types of downhill snow skiing are exhilarating. Rock skiing is amusing because rock skiing is the first time skiers ski in about eight months. Powder skiing is entertaining because powder skiing is challenging. Groomed skiing is exciting because groomed skiing is speedy. Spring skiing is recreative because spring skiing is the last time to ski before the season ends. All of these types of skiing are invigorating.

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