Monday, January 18, 2010

Second Term

Second term is over! I can not believe time has passed so fast. It seems like yesterday I started a brand new year. Yet it has already been half of the school year. This year has been a blast and has gone by so fast. It seems when I am busy time really flies. This year it has flied right over my head. I have been really busy with tons of things. To tell you the truth I think this blog is a waste of my time. I spend hours writing this. I do not think a single person will read this. If you end up reading this blog just leave a comment, or tell me at school. There are many things I would rather do right now; sleep, watch a movie, play video games, play with my family, do something that is more fun than this, and many more exciting things that do not include typing on a computer. Typing on a computer is not my favorite thing, as you can probably tell. No one is reading this so no one will know that that typing on a computer is not my favorite thing. Someone will probably come up to me at school and say, “You like to type on a computer.” I will just tell them, “You did not read my blog!” Except for they would not say that unless they did read my blog, so I would not be able to prove anything. Actually I would know they read my blog because I would know they would not say something as stupid as, “You like to type on a computer,” unless they read my blog. I would be proving everything if they said that at school. No one is going to say that because no one reads my blog. I could write the same thing every week and no one would ever know. Only I would know what is on my blog because I am the writer of this blog. To tell you, no one, the truth I could care less if anyone reads my blogs. It gave me something to write about, and no one makes fun of my silly mistakes in writing. It was very easy to write my 500 words this week. Thank you to all of those that do not read my blog.

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