Monday, January 4, 2010

The Martian Chronicles

People living on Mars! I have never even dreamed of going to Mars, but through The Martian Chronicles I was taken to Mars and I lived there. Ray Bradbury, the author to The Martian Chronicles, wrote this book in a format that finished this book like peanut butter finishes a jelly sandwich. Without this story’s morals this story would be nothing. The Martian Chronicles is a book for everyone because it has some very good qualities.

The Martian Chronicles was a very good story. At the beginning of the story many crews of astronauts explore mars. The Martians, people that lived on mars, usually killed these astronauts. The Martians often changed into a person in the astronauts’ minds, by changing into these people the Martians were able to catch them off guard and kill them. The astronauts eventually did make it on mars. Meanwhile, Earth was changing in many ways. They burned all the fairy tale books because they were not real. A person tried to make these fairy tail stories real by making a haunted house that has robot apes, witches, and many other creatures. He moved to mars like many others to get away from Earth. Just when Mars was getting populated there was a great war starting up on Earth. About this time the Martian people became extinct. With the war starting all the rockets, with most of the people, returned home to defend their country. There were only a few people left on mars because they missed the rockets or because they wanted to stay. Tons of people were dying so some people secretly came back to mars. There were only a few families that came to Mars and they are now known as the Martians. I loved The Martian Chronicles, but it was not just the story that made The Martian Chronicles as exciting as it was. The format is what made The Martian Chronicles as exciting as it was.

The format that this book was written in was great. This format was a bunch of little stories that made the big stories. Every chapter was a new little story. The stories were linked together with some details and with dates that titled the chapter. In The Martian Chronicles there was no main character, but I got through the story just fine. Often the chapter would end with a person dying, if they didn’t die the last chapter of The Martian Chronicles told what happened to them after their chapter. I love this format but it was not the only thing that completed the book the morals were added to the book to finish it off.

The Martian Chronicles had many good morals. One of these morals is to never give up. If the other astronauts had given up after the first crew of astronauts died no one would have lived on Mars at all. Another moral is to be friendly. The people that were friendly to the Martians were not killed. If all the people were friendly to the Martians more people would have lived in The Martian Chronicles and in real life. The morals in The Martian Chronicles are most excellent.

Because The Martian Chronicles has some good qualities, it is a book for everyone. The Martian Chronicles has an excellent story. It also has a good format that is the best way to write this book. The morals finish off this story like how peanut butter finishes off a jelly sandwich. The Martian Chronicles is definitely a book that everyone would enjoy.

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