Friday, May 28, 2010

To My Sis

My sister says I only write well when I am mad. So it is probably a good thing that I am mad that my tooth was chipped, that my French teacher is still teaching, and many other pertinent blogs I have wrote. I guess I can only truly express myself when I am mad. It is really easy to write when I am mad. The typing and the words just flow when I am mad. I guess I need to work on expressing myself when I am happy. My sister says I should right about happy things. If I wrote about happy things all the time I would be gay. I am not becoming gay to improve my writing. Sorry to all those that read my blog. A.K.A. Brittany. Sorry Brittany. Even though I am not sorry to not write about happy things. You probably did not mean that you want my to write all my blogs about happy things. You just do not want me to always look at the dark side, and go hang myself. I will tell you one thing, I am not going to commit suicide. I love my life my life is good. I have so much fun in life. It would be stupid to do something like that. This part is to you Brittany. I love you. You are my favorite sister. You help me everyday. We are going to have so much fun this summer when you babysit for mom and dad. We will also have fun on our amazing family trips this summer. Thanks for being such a great example. Because you don’t want me to do angry blogs, I am going to write about how my teeth bug me.


  1. Hey! I read your blog too! :)I hope your tooth feels better.

  2. I think it is interesting (not to mention bit ironic) that Brittany is giving you a hard time about writing at your best when you're mad. Some of her best stuff in ninth grade were her tirades in response to things I did and said. Go check 'em out!
