Saturday, May 1, 2010

National Junior Honors Society's Bloody Talk

I was forced into speaking at the National Junior Honors Society Induction Meeting. I would never choose to speak at something as big as this. Unfortunately, I was forced to, so I did not receive a choice. So since I typed it up I am killing two birds with one stone. Sorry Mr. T.

I used my Eagle project hours for my service hours for National Junior Honors Society. After an earthquake people sometimes have problems because they can not find a wrench to turn their gas off. So to solve this problem, I attached an emergency shut-off wrench to the gas meters of about sixty-five people. These people signed up at the Kaysville Crestwood Stake Emergency Preparedness fair. There were many steps to doing this project, which included: Acquiring names at the fair, buying wrenches, assembling wrenches, and installing wrenches. Many people helped me with my Eagle Project, these include: My mom, dad, brothers, friends, and many other scouts from the ward. The total number of hours spent on my project from these people was eighty-seven and a half hours. Now many people in my area will be prepared in an emergency.

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