Friday, October 30, 2009


For science I had to write a paper on flagella. So I thought I might as well kill to birds with one rock. That is why I decided to use this in my blog. My science teacher for biology gives me many assignments. I think sometimes that she thinks too much of us. She gives us the biggest assignments with hardly any time. She is very persuasive and lots of times you don’t think it would be too hard, but it always turns out harder than what she says.

Flagella are tail-like structures that project from the cell’s body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. There are three types of flagellum they are Bacterial, Archaeal, and Eukaryotic.

Bacterial Flagella are shaped like a coil. Bacterial Flagella are made of protein flagellum. Their shape has twenty nanometer-thick and are hollow tubes. Bacterial Flagella have a helical just outside of the outer membrane. This hook lets the helix point away from the cell. The flagellum goes through protein rings in the cell’s membrane that help and act like bearings. Organisms that are gram-positive have two protein rings. One of these rings is in the poptidoglycan layer and the other is in the plasma membrane. Organisms that are gram-negative have four protein rings. One ring associates with the L ring or the lipopolysuccharides. Another ring is the P ring it associates with the peptidoglycan layer. The third is the M ring this is embedded in the plasma membrane. The last one is the S ring it is directly attached to the plasma membrane. Flagella increase and decrease their speed; they do not stay the same speed. Some flagella can operate 6,000 to 17,000 rotations per minute. Flagella spin counter clockwise to move the cell forward. When bacteria flagella grow they grow by addition of subunits at the tip of the flagella.

There are four types of bacterial arrangement schemes. Monotrichous have one flagellum at one place on the cell. The second kind is lophotricheaus, it has many flagella but the flagella only coming out of one place. Amphitrichous has two flagella they are on opposite sides of the cell. Peritrichous has many flagella they are all over the cell.

Archaeal Flagella are very similar to bacteria flagella. They have a very unique structure that lacks a central channel. They spin counterclockwise they move the cell forward. Archaeal Flagella only bundle when they go counterclockwise. When some move the other way it is called tumbling. Even if Archaeal Flagella all went clockwise it is proven that they would not bundle. Bacteria flagella are thicker than archaeal flagella. They grow by addition of subunits at the base.

Eukaryotic flagella are a bundle of nine fused pairs of microtubule doublets that surround two central single microtubules. Eukaryotic flagella are incased in the cell’s plasma membrane. Each of the nine doublet microtubules extends a pair of dynein arms.

Flagellum is longer than cilia. Flagella move in a flagella propeller like motion, while cilia just goes back and forth.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Band vs. Choir

This week has been really busy for me and that question on homework just started this whole blog. Homework takes a bunch of my time even when I don’t have anything going on. For example a day for me consists of eating breakfast, going to school, snack, exercising, eating diner, and then finally homework. It is not that I procrastinate I just have a lot going on.

This week we had a band concert that was pretty sad, because it was so bad. It was not me that was bad I hit every note right but most everybody else was lost. We sounded too bad to be the top band in the school. Everyone always blames it on the band teacher because last year we got a new one. Now our top band sound like our lowest band with the old teacher. Many people were very disappointed in how the band played. With the old band teacher it was very rare to see an eighth grader in the top band. This year half the band is eighth graders and there are even some seventh graders. Loads of people blame it on the teacher. Sometimes I wonder if it is because so many people have dropped out or if it really is the teacher. I think that it is both. It may be hard for a new teacher to come and act like he has been there forever, but I think he should have. Last year for about the first semester we just sat there and that is why everyone dropped out at the semester. So I guess it is his fault that they dropped out.

Then I had three concerts for this choir musical review. I loved the musical review it was fun to learn the music to three musicals and actually know what they are saying. To have it memorized, I think it would be cool to watch those movies now. This took a lot of my time but it was definitely worth my time. It was way fun to be with the choir and get to know each other better. Last Saturday we had an all day concert that was all day. Pretty obvious but still it was all day. It took a whole day. A whole day! Like I was saying it we had an all day concert that took all day. It was fun to bond with the choir. But because of this there we negative things that happened. For one it took all day if you heard me mention that already. Another thing is I missed most of my friend’s birthday party. I was looking forward to that party to it was too bad that it was the same night as my performance. Even worse about that night is the piano player was late; though it was not her fault she was not told that we were starting thirty minutes sooner than the night before. It does not matter that much but I missed an extra half hour.

Tonight I just decided that I like choir a lot more than band.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

High School Boundaries

Recently the high school boundaries for my area were changed. I was moved from Davis High to Layton High boundaries. Boundary variances are given in the spring for the 10th-12th grade students. Because I am not in the boundaries and in 9th grade, I can not participate in Davis High Cross Country, my dream. The district should grant variances before 9th grade. Students might like to switch high schools for academics or different activities. There has been much disagreement in my area about the boundaries, especially since the last change. I think if they changed the timeframe for granting variances there would be less disagreement.
The students going into 9th grade should be able to apply to receive variances to the high school they would like to go to before 9th grade. Since I was young I dreamed of running for Davis and the boundary change took away a full year of Cross Country. What if someone that moves in wants a variance or what if someone changes their mind and they want one, and all of them are gone? Each high school should give out half of their variances a year in advance. This would make people able to go out for sports as a student in 9th grade.
By this little change it could have a huge difference in a ton of lives. It could help people get their dreams. This would help people so they are not in the same situation as me.

I entered the essay contest for this class. It took me forever to edit it. I always had and probably have something wrong in the essay and in what I am writing now. Sometimes it just did not flow right. So to finish my 500 words I am just going to talk about my experience righting the essay.
When I started I chose to write about how the boundaries for high school have affected me. I had a couple ideas to fix my problems from cross country. It made me really made when the Layton coach went to the district and got me in trouble. I was only in trouble for working out with them. I still do not understand at all why that is a problem. It just makes me dislike the Layton coach a little. Okay a little more than a little. But then I was taught in seminary to forgive. So I have forgiven him, yup I have. I just hope those in the future in my place will not have the same problems as me. I hope that someone will consider my idea and take it to action. It took me a while to right this essay. So I just used it in my blog. I thought it was pretty good. After I had it written it was three hundred and fifty words. For the contest it can only be two hundred and fifty. So I had to take out almost a third of my essay to get it right.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Eagle Project

If you are a scout you would know about you mom always getting on your nerve about needing to do you project. I am not even close to being eighteen but my mom was always getting on my nerve so I just did it. For my project I a putting gas shut-off wrenches on people’s gas meters. I had them sign up at our stake’s emergency preparedness fair. About 60 people signed up so I had a ton of work to do. So I separated them into groups and got it all organized. I got groups together and we went to go put these on people’s houses. I learned something. It takes people a really long time to get their money out. Sometimes they are not there. You may thing oh it is only ten minutes, or just come by again. That is ten minutes adds up to be 600 minutes. That is ten hours instead of about 3 minutes at each house and it would be 180 minutes. That is only three hours because they had their money ready. So this lesson that I have learned is for something like this or fast offerings have you money ready so it doesn’t take as much of other people’s time.


Right now my teams have destroyed the other teams that they have played. My soccer team won yesterday 12-2. It was fun. I even scored a few goals. My coach didn’t put me as the goalie, which was good because I hate being goalie. It was way fun to win by that much. My team is still undefeated 5-0. My game last week was the closest game that we have had to losing. At halftime it was 1-1. I scored our team’s only goal in the first half. It was the coolest goal ever; I scored from half. I was playing sweeper, a defensive position that covers about the whole field. We had a corner kick the other team kicked the ball up straight to me so I just kicked it. The ball went in the goal right in the center almost hitting the top post. The goalie was short, obtuse, and couldn’t jump so he couldn’t reach it. After half time we kicked into gear and we won 6-1. That was our most fun game so far. The other games we just kill and let them score a few. They are fun because I can score a few, but with the game a week ago we did not let them score they scored before us. On Saturday BYU killed too. They won 59-21. It was pretty close until about the quarter. Then they took off. It was way fun to watch. Harvey Unga ran 30 something yards into the touchdown. It was cool. BYU was about 3 yards away from running back a kick off to the touchdown. Even though the other team wasn’t too good they ran back a kick and made some other good plays but BYU killed.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Cold

It has been very cold these past few days one day it was normal and the next day it snowed. Being cold is not my favorite thing but I think it is better than being too hot. I can go eat something hot then my insides will be hot, or I could go get in a warm blanket, but when it is to hot all I can do is sit there. My favorite is when my dad puts a fire in the fireplace and it gets really warm. It smells just like Christmas. Not that Christmas has a smell my dad always makes a fire on Christmas. I love fire except for the fact that it probably has to be pretty cold outside for us to light one of these or else having a fire would not be very fun unless you were camping. Do not get me wrong the cold is okay because it means snow, I love snow my favorite sport is to ski. You might say I am pretty good. I was taught to ski by none better than my dad. When he was little he raced. He has taught me a lot I can get going pretty fast. It is so much fun to be going really fast and then spray everybody with snow at the bottom.

General Conferance

General Conference weekend always starts out okay. This year is the 179 semi-annual year of conference. Yes, I am Mormon just in case you did not think that when I said that I watch conference. In conference I can usually get through the first two sessions without falling asleep. They are okay to listen to and it is fun to draw. I may not be the best artist but it is still fun to draw. I just need to do ten hours of doodling. That is not to much, is it? Well it was not in the first two sessions. It is never a problem in the first two sessions. The talks this year were better and I thought I was going to make it through with listening to all five sessions. Then the incident happened I was at the stake center watching the priesthood session of conference. I was wide awake until about the last talk. My eyes were getting tired so I tried to resist but then I closed my eyes. It made be mad I had lost to myself. It had been a goal to not fall asleep this year. The priesthood session of conference is always the most entertaining. I couldn’t believe I already lost in the best session. So what did I do after this? Well, I went I got ice cream. It was a blizzard that was cookie dough flavor. I loved that blizzard it was delicious. I do not think I deserved it because I had lost my goal. The next day I fell asleep again in one of the sessions for a long time no one woke me up until… Finally some woke me up but it was with a hard slug in the arm. Fun stuff I was awake for the rest of conference but my brother was not. It is always fun to mess with some one while they are asleep. It was way fun until my mom made me wake him up. General conferance is the best I love general conferance.