Monday, May 17, 2010

Pretending To Be MRT

I wrote this for my discussion board this week. Because it turned out so good, I decided to use it for my blog this week. I am very glad Mr. Thompson was my teacher this year. It was fun pretending to be him.

Dear Rex,

You made it to the end! Good job! I am very proud of you for completing all the work for Honors English. Your blogs have shown much improvement, but sometimes you struggle with deadlines.

Rex, you have shown me that you are strong. You completed Dickens, and you passed the AR Test (After the third time, but you still passed). Dickens is very challenging, and this is one of the main reasons that so many students dropped out (About half of the students dropped out). I am proud that you have not given up. When The Great Expectations was hard, you could have given up. When you did not pass the first time on the AR Test, you could have given up. When you were five blogs behind, you could have given up. When you do not have time for Honors English, you could have given up. I respect anyone and especially you for being strong.

This year you have been very good about turning things in on time except the one time that you were five blogs behind, but you caught up after your busy life, and you even wrote an extra two thousand word blog. You turned in all of the big assignments in on time without complaining. You find time to reply to the discussion boards, write your blogs, and your big assignments. This year you have excelled at turning in most of your stuff on time. Jorgen had a history of not turning stuff in on time, and Brittany was perfect because she never did anything wrong, but I would say you are between Brittany and Jorgen on that one. I am glad that you have put out the effort to turn in you assignments on time (Even though this one is late, but you woke up early to do it).

I was a little worried about your writing at the beginning of the year, but you have shown much improvement. Your first blog was terrible (Sorry to say, but that’s the past so don’t worry about it.).Your first blog was like fingernails on a chalkboard, or elementary writing. It just hurt me to read your writing. Now, I am excited to read your writing because it is exciting to read, especially your blog about your surgery. You don’t just finish your assignments; you show your best writing all the time. I am very proud at how much improvement was shown this year.

Rex, I am ecstatic to say that you earned yourself an A, as did everyone that completed all the requirements for Honors English. Those were all the requirements for Honors English, so you could do no more. Good Job on staying through to the end!

Your coolest teacher,

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, most of that is about right! Well done! Now, let's just try to stay out of the hospital so I don't have to report on your condition again to all of first period!
