Saturday, April 3, 2010


I could not believe I messed up my streak once again. I was planning on writing all of my blogs on week days, so that I would be able to have my whole weekends for just fun. Of course I was procrastinating maybe that is why I forgot, or I may be really bummed out that the ski season is over for me.

Last Saturday was probably the last ski day this season for me because the snow is melting. Last Saturday there was fresh powder, but by the end of the day the snow was crap. This really made me depressed because I could not make it this Saturday or next week, so there will most likely be no more snow in two weeks from now. If there is any snow there probably won’t be very much and it will be really crappy.

At the beginning of this week I was feeling good, and happy that my incisions from surgery taking out my appendix were feeling all the way healed. I decided to do some intense workouts for track, and I felt normal. However, when I woke up on Thursday my incisions were hurting intensely. I was really bewildered why this would start hurting out of no where, so I took the rest of the week off of track. I am hoping that my incisions will stop hurting, so that can do some intense bike riding in Moab this week.

I am very excited to mountain bike because I have not done any since last summer. This has made me really rejuvenated for next week. I am really sad about skiing, but I am excited about track coming up and mountain biking.

Last time I went mountain biking I went to slick rock with my brother and sister. We had the time of our lives battling the heat after running out of water. We made it alright safe and sound, but this year I hope it won’t be as hot, and I hope we don’t run out of water. My sister will not be coming to Moab with us because she has school this week.

I have loved skiing and Mountain Biking so much because it is active and I am able to be with my family. My family is pretty big being a family of 8, so we have the time of our lives every time we do something together especially when we are skiing and mountain biking. I love my family and look forward to do stuff with them every time that we do stuff.

Spring time brings many things every year, but it also destroys things. Spring time brings: soccer, mountain biking, boating, running, camping, and many more exhilarating adventures. Spring time destroys: Skiing, snowmobiling, snow shoeing, and other exiting adventures. Spring time is a sad, but great time because it destroys some of my favorite sports, but it also brings amazing, exhilarating sports. I am ready for this spring.

1 comment:

  1. SO did I get kicked out or something? Just because I don't actually live in K-town at the moment, doesn't mean you can kick me out! That would be a family decision... which means I would get to vote!!!!
