Monday, March 29, 2010

Honors English

I am very grateful for Honor’s English even though it has been very difficult. Last term I failed the accelerated reader test on The Great Expectations twice before I passed. I hated that book like I had ever hated a book before, but Honors English has taught me a lot. I have become a better writer and reader, than I was at the beginning of the year. I recently noticed that because this has helped me so much, I may have even done the requirements for Honors English this term even though it was so hard.

I am writing this blog to say that Honors English is worth it. I know it may not seem like it when you are stuck reading one of Charles Dickens’s books, but it has been worth all the work. I have made it most of the way through this year, I can see the finish line. This is very exciting because I have become tired of writing so many blogs, staying up late trying to write a perfect essay and keeping up with the discussion boards.

Last term I procrastinated, and was about five weeks behind. This was a terrible experience when I finally wrote all of these blogs. I finally finished last term with my more than 2,000 word blog about my experience with my appendix. Right now I am already behind by one day. This blog should have been done last night.

I could not believe I had already messed without even working my way through the first week! Now I am going to try something new. I am going to write my blogs before the weekend, so that I will not have to worry about them later in the week. I am hoping that this will work, so I will not be a lazy butt, procrastinate, and rush to write everything at the last minute.

At the beginning of the year it took me a long time to write my weekly blog. Now, it seems as if it hardly takes time at all. The funny thing is, at the beginning of the year when it took me forever to write my blogs I was on top of things. Now, that I can do blogs in less time it seems like I am never on top of writing my blog. I am always writing these late, and I am sick of it. I hope I will actually keep up with the class now. I guess I will probably be hurrying stuff in at the last second anyway, but it is worth a shot.

This term, I am excited that I am not going to be forced to read a never-ending novel. The book this term looks better than great expectations. I am both excited and sad to be at the beginning of the end of junior high. This is one of the few things that I will be glad to miss because I will not have to worry about this every single week. Every year school becomes harder, so I guess I can not be too happy about this because writing blogs will probably be replaced with something harder. Honors English has helped me a lot, so if anyone is debating on trying out Honors English next year I would say try it.

1 comment:

  1. Rex, I'm impressed. That was a very mature look at life... And I agree with you, Honors English is worth it. Mr. T was my favorite English teacher by far. It sure felt like the stuff we were doing was pointless sometimes, but he knows what he's doing. Take advantage of every moment in the English class... Its a good one. Oh and P.S. I think you look like a stud with you're hair short :)
