Saturday, April 10, 2010


This week was awesome. I was able to go to Moab, and go mountain biking and hiking. Monday and today we spent all day traveling, packing, and unpacking, but the rest of the week was a blast.

Tuesday we spent riding a bike trail that my little brothers could go on. This trail is named Bartlett. This trail was really hard because we missed the unmarked trailhead. We thought we were on the right trail until we had gone about five miles in ankle deep sand too deep to pedal on, so we walked most of the way. This trail was only meant to be an eight mile loop, but it ended up being a 15.4 mile bike ride. On the way back we found the trail head so we did some of the bike trial. I was pretty disappointed because we road in sand for miles and miles and we did not see anything but desert.

Wednesday was a million times better because we did this trail called Porcupine Rim. This trail was basically three miles strait uphill then the last twelve miles were downhill. The first three miles took us a very long time because our neighbors that were doing this with us walked every hill. Most of the time they did not even try the hills, but when we made it to the top and saw the spectacular view I knew it was worth it. Downhill was very fun I reached some pretty high speeds and I was only thrown over my handlebars once. The trail of the last two miles was about five feet from a cliff. It was scary to think that if I were to fall to my right I would probably keep falling for a few hundred feet to a painful death on a rock in the sunset. Most people would think that sunset is beautiful, but for me it could have been death. When I finally made it to the road I was happier than a tornado in a trailer park. I was just relieved that I had not fallen off of the cliff.

Thursday was a small bike ride for the little kids because Tuesday did not work for them. This was a slower day, which was good because my legs hurt from sunburn and bloodies. This trail was good for the little kids though because it was fairly easy with hardly any hills, and they were all disappointed that they were not able to go on the bike ride the day before. After the bike ride, we went hiking to a few arches and we even caught the sunset through the back arch of the double arches.

Friday we went on a twelve mile hike this took almost all day. We were able to see tons of arches even including Landscape Arch and many more. Because we had so much time, we were able to hike the primitive trial that most people do not travel. Many of the things a lot of people haven’t seen including: Private Arch, and many more arches that were not named. This is really cool because a lot of people will not slow down to see stuff they just want to see the most important stuff.

I really enjoyed my trip to Moab. I liked my trip to Moab more than my trips to Disneyland, Disneyworld, or any trip like that. This trip I did not need to stand in lines, there was no schedule, and we were completely flexible. These three things made this vacation a real vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rex... This sounds SO fun... I'm so glad you had such a good time... I'm glad you wrote this... Now its like I was there :)
